NLP Specialist Envoy for Online Business & Technology
May 18, 2020
As a certified Master Coach of NLP, I only work with the leading organisations with the NLP Coaching Community and I’m delighted to announce, that I have accepted the position of NLP Specialist Envoy for Online Business & Technology on behalf of the ANLP.
Whilst virtual therapy and coaching sessions are becoming part of the norm as ‘face-to-face’ therapy stopped seemingly overnight after the Covid-19 Pandemic.
As leading coaches we have to find new ways to grow businesses and support clients and this includes online technology.
NEW Online Virtual hypnotherapy clinics, Virtual NLP Success Coaching, and ‘One-to-One’ Sleep Coaching are now part of the safe solution.
As lead coach and strategist at ElevateLABS, we help coaches build sustainably integrity led services online. Through my blend of NLP, corporate strategies, and proven online growth systems, I lead the ElevateLABS team that creates long term growth for coaches, consultants, and mentors.
My approach starts by working with integrity led coaches, consultants, and mentors who are great at what they do, but haven’t yet translated that into an online way of working or servicing their clients. After all, you don’t know what you don’t know, and many of our clients don’t even know the questions to ask to start creating a fully automated online business.
This is where I and the team at ElevateLABS step in, we speak NLP, we speak geek and we speak in strategy and layman's terms, meaning we work with entrepreneurs of all tech abilities.
My purpose is to help amazing and insightful NLP professionals and coaches, get seen online and create sustainable online businesses, whilst still being true to their coaching roots.
We are not going back to a ‘normal’ so now is the time to support clients online.
So what is it going to be, taking your coaching online now or in the future?
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