Business Coach for NLP Coaches
Aug 26, 2021
More Impact, More Money with a Business Coach for NLP Coaches
NLP or Neuro-linguistic programming is a psychology approach to achieving behavioural change and mind mastery.
As an NLP Practitioner or NLP Master Practitioner welcome to this post and as a fellow NLP Master Coach, I know that you already love NLP and are now looking to grow your NLP Coaching Business.
And I get it...
NLP Coaching is a powerful skillset BUT now you need to grow that skill into a profitable business practice
There is a truth that I see time and time again with my clients, that not all NLP Coaches are great at the business of coaching.
Of course it makes sense, you may have done your NLP training and passed as a qualified NLP expert, but then didn’t know where to start on the business.
The areas to focus on when starting your NLP Coaching Practice include:
- Creating your NLP Coaching Packages P
- Pricing your NLP Coaching Packages
- Marketing your NLP Coaching Business in integrity
- Contracts and legal requirements for your NLP Business
- Systems and structure for your NLP Business
Do these sound like some of the areas that you are struggling within your coaching practice?
I know when I was doing my NLP training and certifications, there was no mention of any business practices or how to take what you knew and how to start making money.
As a seasoned entrepreneur who has created and sold multiple businesses, and as a veteran marketer for 19 years, I came out of my training and hit the ground running and became sold out within even creating a website.
Yes, you read that right, without even having a website, I had sold out on my 3-month coaching packages (these were available at the time) and had a full roster of clients within 4 months of qualifying.
So what had I done to make that happen:
1. Got clear on my ideal client
Who is your NLP Coaching Practice for? Who are you looking to attract in, who want to work with you? What are some of the catalyst points that may have brought them to consider coaching? Do you specialise in an area of coaching?
All of these questions are ones to be answered, and there are many more to work out the demographic and psychographic profiles of the people that you want to attract.
Ultimately if you do not know what you are looking to attract with your marketing, or who you would love to work with, then we are aiming for vanilla.
Vanilla means that you are aiming for all people. The problem that happens when we are marketing or looking to attract anyone who will pay, is that we often attract no one.
Think about it, when asked what is your favourite flavour of ice cream how many people say vanilla?
Not many. It’s the flavour of a childhood memory, or an indulgent one or one with an adult experience.
Use this when it comes to your marketing, and know who you are looking to attract and then create your marketing to be anything but vanilla.
2. Knew my packages and pricing that created a work/life blend that I love
You can charge what you desire. There, I said it, straight out of the gate.
I don’t care what industry standards are, or other people in your area, we start with you.
Looking at your calendar, work out your preferred length of a client session, and then how many you can do in your average week around your existing responsibility. A hint here, not many coaches love to coach back to back, or can even make this sustainable. Allow yourself space between clients and time for lunch.
You will also need time in your week for the business of running a successful coaching practice, such as marketing, invoicing, finance and of course writing up your all-important client notes and plans.
That is the starting point for how you need to work out what you need to charge to bring in the money that you desire.
3. Attracted and reached out to clients with integrity using Persuasion techniques
In the UK where I am located, although I work with international coaches remotely, there is no regulation for NLP coaches or indeed entering the coaching field. Whilst this is beautiful and gives many people the opportunity to serve and help people, it also means that there isn’t a body/ organisation for a client to complain to, or a body to keep standards in the industry.
That can mean that are many pressures, and coercive techniques used when people are in need of coaching. This is not my value system, it does not sit in integrity for me and as such when it came to attracting and reaching out to potential clients, I wanted to create a methodology that empowered myself and the client equally.
4. Created systems and structure to streamline the client experience
Imagine now that you have done step 2 and worked out that you wanted to work with 20 clients a week. That is :
- 20 clients to on-board at different times
- 20 clients to invoice and track payment
- 20 clients to hold notes and any planning documentation on
- 20 clients who may rearrange sessions
- 20 clients who may have questions between session
- 20 clients to off-board at some point
That is a lot of admin for your existing clients, and you will want to process and streamline this as much as possible so that you can run at 100% coaching capacity as much as possible and to not create large unbillable hours per week doing admin.
When you are ready to explore how to grow your NLP coaching business, here are ways to start the journey:
- Wielding Legacy - weekly audio insights from Laura to help you build a legacy for yourself and your family. Gifted to you by Laura. Download the Kajabi app to have the weekly insights delivered straight to your phone. Limited to 100 active members.
- Stop being the best-kept secret in your industry. Brand Seduction will get you seducing your ideal clients in integrity to desire your services, and becoming sought after.
If you are looking to create a hugely impactful legacy, my one-to-one success coaching will change everything. Contact me to arrange a call to discuss how I can help you.
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